EMW & NIWA Proudly Presents Disturbing The Peace
Wednesday June 10th, 2009
Madison Square Garden
New York, New York

“The New Divide” by Linkin Park hits as the camera pans across the rabid crowd in Madison Square Garden who are ready to witness a one of a kind night as the pyro shoots up from the entrance stage before the camera pans to Ron Burgundy and Tony Stark at the Broadcast Table at ringside to welcome everyone to EMW/NIWA Disturbing The Peace.

Burgundy: Welcome everybody to Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York! Tonight, Theo Clardy and Mr. C.C. EMW and NIWA, have come together to bring you this special event in this interpromotional event entitled, “Disturbing The Peace. I’m Ron Burgundy from the NIWA and alongside with me is the color commentator for EMW, Tony Stark! And Tony, what a spectacular night we have in store for not only the fans of EMW but the fans of NIWA.

Stark: I have to say, Ron. The atmosphere in this arena is just electric and we are in for a memorable night and I’m honored to be here for this event. One night, but with two companies and a stellar card! This should be great!

In the back, a dressing room door is seen with the plaque that reads “EMW Owner/Founder Theo Clardy” to a massive pop from the crowd. A fist comes into the shot and knocks on the door. The camera then zooms out to reveal its NIWA Owner Mr. C.C. to a similar pop from the crowd. C.C. enters the room and Theo is standing talking on his cell phone. He sees C.C. and hangs up his cell phone without saying goodbye to the caller. Clardy then confronts C.C.

Clardy: Well, Mr. C.C. at last we met.

Mr. C.C.: Well this is it; the event involving two of the biggest leagues this business has to offer has arrived. Tonight, everyone has put their egos aside to prove once and for who will be the superior league and bring fans of both EMW and the NIWA together for an event they thought they would never see.

Clardy: Well, I have to agree on you for that, this is going to be one hell of an event. An event that no one thought will ever see besides without EMW there will be no NIWA and vice versa so for this show, we bring the best of both worlds and have it EMW vs. NIWA to see who is better.

Mr. C.C.: I have to say, I have a lot of respect for you and your league and this will be a great show so I suggest we just hang out here, relax and…

Clardy: And see EMW run rings around the NIWA.

Mr. C.C.: Now wait a damn minute! Now you may run EMW but if you think that your stars can use our talent as a warm-up for Extreme Anniversary then you are barking up the wrong tree because the NIWA will dominate against EMW in the World’s Most Famous Arena and show that the NIWA is the more superior league.

Clardy: Anyway, we have a big night ahead of us…let’s just see what happens.

Clardy then sits down on his sofa and offers Mr. C.C. a seat.

Mr. C.C.: Hang on for a moment.

Mr. C.C. then reaches into his jacket pockets.

Mr. C.C.: I just happen to meet Larry The Cable Guy earlier and I got us some cold ones for tonight.

Mr. C.C. then cracks open his beer and offer one to Clardy. Clardy then opens his can.

Mr. C.C.: I’d like to make a toast to the most historic night in both NIWA and EMW.

Clardy: Can’t argue with that!

Clardy and C.C. touch cans and start drinking as they watch monitor.

Burgundy: Ladies and gentlemen, we kick things off with a non-title Four Way Dance involving the top tag teams from both EMW and NIWA and we send it to Gary Michael Cappetta for the introductions.

“I Get Money” by 50 Cent booms through the speakers as the EMW World Tag Team Champions Floyd "Money" Mayweather & Derek Jeter make their way to the ring to some good heat from the crowd.

Capetta: Ladies and gentlemen, our opening contest at EMW/NIWA Disturbing The Peace is a non-title Four Way Dance. Introducing first Team number one. They are the EMW World Tag Team Champions. From Las Vegas, Nevada and New York City respectively and representing The Franchise…The team of DEREK JETER & FLOYD “MONEY” MAYWEATHER!

Mayweather & Jeter entered the ring and raises up their title belts to some more boos as they await the other teams.

“Eye Of The Tiger” by Survivor hits as The Italian Dragons (Bruce Lee & Rocky Balboa) make their way to the ring to a good pop from the crowd.

Capetta: Now ladies and gentlemen, introducing team number two. From San Francisco, California and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania respectively weighing in at a combined weight of 314 pounds, “The Dragon Bruce Lee…”The Italian Stallion” Rocky Balboa…THE ITALIAN DRAGONS!

The Italian Dragons entered the ring and stares at Jeter and Mayweather before the two teams start to exchange words in the ring.

The Super Mario Brothers theme hits as The Super Mario Brothers (Mario Mario & Luigi Mario) with The Princesses make their way to the ring to a monster pop from the crowd.

Capetta: And now, team number three. From The Mushroom Kingdom, Mario Mario…Luigi Mario…THE MARIO BROTHERS!

The Super Mario Brothers entered the ring and posed for the crowd as the crowd cheers them.

“I Predict A Riot” by Kaiser Chiefs hits as the NIWA World Tag Team Champions The Wario (Wario & Waluigi) with Pauline make their way to the ring.

Capetta: And finally, they are the NIWA World Tag Team Champions. They are accompanied to the ring by Pauline. From Wario World, Wario…Waluigi…THE WARIO!

The Wario Brothers then stared a hole right through the Mario Brothers as The Marios did the same. Before the match can begin, EMW referee Mitch Edwards informed Pauline to leave to the back. Pauline argued the call but eventually left to the back as the match begins.

The Mario Brothers (Mario Mario & Luigi Mario) def. EMW World Tag Team Champions Derek Jeter & Floyd “Money” Mayweather, NIWA World Tag Team Champions The Wario Brothers (Wario & Waluigi) and The Italian Dragons (Bruce Lee & Rocky Balboa) in a non-title Four Way Dance.
Order Of Elimination:
-- Derek Jeter & Floyd Mayweather eliminated by The Mario Brothers via pinfall when Mario pinned Derek Jeter after the Mario Stunner.
-- The Wario Brothers eliminated by The Italian Dragons via pinfall when Bruce Lee pinned Waluigi after the Dragon DDT.
-- The Italian Dragons eliminated by The Mario Brothers via pinfall when Luigi pinned Rocky Balboa when Ryu Hoshi sprayed Balboa’s eyes with the green mist as Ken Masters distracted the referee and Luigi was knocked down by the Widow Maker. Luigi recovered as Balboa was still blinded by the mist and hits The Plunger for the pinfall win.

In the back, Theo Clardy and Mr. C.C were watching the match. C.C. is in very good spirits.

Mr. C.C: YEAH! NIWA gets the first win of the night and might I say the first of many.

Clardy: Whatever! You just got a lucky break. EMW will bounce back and bounce back strong, trust me.

Mr. C.C.: I highly doubt that, Theo.

Clardy: The night is still young and in the end, EMW will come out on top!

In the interview area backstage, Layla Kayleigh and Vanna White are holding microphones and appear to be arguing.

Layla: You have to understand, Blondie. I’m EMW’s backstage correspondent and I do the interviews for the show tonight.

Vanna: Yeah right, bitch! I really don’t care who you are and what you do. I’m Vanna White and always get the scoop around here!

Layla: You know that there are superstars from NIWA here tonight go interview them!

Vanna: Again, I don’t care what promotion you are from. I’m a world renowned figure in American society while you were in your diapers, I became a worldwide icon Plus, I get the news straight from the superstar’s mouths.

Layla: Listen, Human Tornado is up next and I have arranged an interview with him. So if you don’t mind, I want you to leave my area, tramp!

Vanna: Who the hell gives you the right to call me a tramp!

Vanna then shoves Layla and Layla pushes Vanna right back. Human Tornado then runs in and steps in between the two women.

Tornado: Ladies…Ladies…Ladies…Now you know I like a good catfight when I see one but you two need to calm down. Now Vanna there is something that you just don’t seem to get. Layla is here to interview the EMW talent. So unless you have a contract to interview EMW talent, Get the hell out of here!

An upset Vanna White reluctantly leaves.

Tornado: Now that she’s gone, I would like to talk about my opponent tonight, the NIWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion, Blitz. Now I understand that you want to be a fighting champion and take on anyone that competes for your title and I understand that you are one of the strangest guys I have ever competed against. But tonight, you are facing a true P-I-M-P and in the end, I will be leaving with your gold and at EMW Extreme Anniversary, I’m going to enter the Elimination Chamber and walk out with the EMW World Heavyweight title and have two titles at the same time and Layla…That will be straight out…PIMPIN’!

Tornado then leaves to prepare for his match.

In the ring, Gary Michael Capetta stands in the middle of the ring with microphone in hand.

Capetta: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match at Disturbing The Peace is scheduled for one fall and it is for the NIWA World Brass Knuckles Championship!!

“Misirolu” by Dick Dale & The Del Tones hits as Jules Winnfield makes his way to the ring to a good pop from the crowd.

Capetta: Introducing first, the challenger! From Inglewood, California weighing in at 233 pounds, JULES WINNFIELD!

Winnfield arrives to the ring and awaits his opponent

“Abyss Of Woe” by Gwar hits as NIWA Brass Knuckles Champion “The Trendkiller” Fozzie Osbourne makes his arrival to the ring to massive heel heat from the crowd.

Capetta: And introducing his opponent, he is the NIWA Brass Knuckles Champion! From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada…he is “THE TRENDKILLER” FOZZIE OSBOURNE!

Osbourne enters the ring and taunts the crowd with the Brass Knuckles championship belt before handing the title belt to NIWA Herb Dean. Dean then shows the title to Jules Winnfield before showing the title belt to the crowd. Dean then gives the title belt to the ringside assistant before calling for the bell to start the match.

NIWA Brass Knuckles Champion “The Trendkiller” Fozzie Osbourne def. Jules Winnfield via pinfall after the Abyss Of Woe through a Barbed Wire Table.

In the back, Vanna White is interviewing NIWA World Heavyweight Champion Chuck Norris.

Vanna: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with NIWA World Heavyweight Champion Chuck Norris. Chuck, tonight you will face the EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy in a Champion vs. Champion match. Now, neither your title nor Al’s title is on the line but this is a match to prove who the better World Champion is. Have you have any thoughts heading into tonight’s main event?

Norris: Vanna, my thoughts are focused on me winning the match and prove to the world that I will beat anyone no matter if they are from EMW or any league whatsoever. Now I have watched EMW on a weekly basis and I’m impressed on how Al Bundy is as a champion. He doesn’t back down from whatever challenge he has in his way. He’s been through the toughest battles in EMW. But in the meantime, I have been through grueling battles to become the NIWA World Heavyweight Champion and continue to fight the battles to hang onto the title. Al, I respect you but tonight, you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time because you will be in the ring with me and I will walk out victorious.

Norris then leaves to prepare for the match.

“I Ran” by Flock Of Seagulls hits an out comes Team EMW (Tommy Vercetti, Eddie Murphy, Bud Bundy, 50 Cent & Tony Montana) making their way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd which was mostly cheers.

Capetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, our next match up is EMW vs. NIWA 10 Man Tag Team Match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, Team EMW! First from Vice City, TOMMY VERCETTI! And his partners, first from Chicago, Illinois…BUD BUNDY! From Beverly Hills, California…EDDIE MURPHY! From Brooklyn, New York…50 CENT! And from Miami, Florida…TONY MONTANA!

Team EMW enters the ring with a lot of determination on their faces as they await the arrival of Team NIWA.

“Break it Down” by The Chris Warren Band hits an out comes Team NIWA (“Mr. Wrestlemania” JTH, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Max Payne & “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels) to the same reaction from the crowd.

Capetta: And now introducing their opponents, Team NIWA! Introducing first, from Laurel, Delaware…”Mr. Wrestlemania” JTH! His partners, first from Beijing, China…JET LI! Also, from Victoria Peak in Hong Kong, China…JACKIE CHAN! From New York City, MAX PAYNE! And finally, from San Antonio, Texas…”THE HEARTBREAK KID” SHAWN MICHAELS!!!

Once Team NIWA entered the ring, a brawl ensues between Team EMW and Team NIWA as the bell has rung to begin the match.

Team NIWA (“Mr. Wrestlemania” JTH, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Max Payne & “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels) def. Team EMW (Tommy Vercetti, Eddie Murphy, Bud Bundy, 50 Cent & Tony Montana) via pinfall when Shawn Michaels pinned Tony Montana after JTH hits Montana with the Wrestlemania Kick which knocked Montana right into Sweet Chin Music.

On Extreme-Vision, a commercial airs promoting NIWA Beach Wars which is coming June 30th, 2009 from Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York.

In the back, EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy is getting his wrists taped for his Champion vs. Champion match against Chuck Norris later tonight. Meanwhile, Chuck Norris is seen warming up in his locker room for the Champion vs. Champion Main event match against Al Bundy later tonight.

In the ring, Gary Michael Capetta stands in the middle of the ring with microphone in hand.

Capetta: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match at Disturbing The Peace is scheduled for one fall and it is for the NIWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship!

“Cool” by Suga Free hits as The Human Tornado makes his way to the ring to a monster pop from the crowd.

Capetta: Introducing first, The challenger! He is from Hollywood, Alabama weighing in at 171 pounds. Ladies and gentlemen, this is THE HUMAN TORNADO!!!!!!

Human Tornado enters the ring and poses on the second turnbuckle before focusing on the entrance of his opponent.

“Voices” by Rev. Theory hits as the NIWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Blitz makes his way to the ring to some good heat from the crowd.

Capetta: And his opponent is the NIWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion! From Parts Unknown, ladies and gentlemen this is BLITZ!

Blitz enters the ring and raises his title belt high to generate more heel heat before handing it to NIWA Referee “Big” John McCarthy and then McCarthy shows the title to Human Tornado before rising the title high for all to see and then hands it to the ringside assistant before calling for the bell to start the match.

NIWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion Blitz def. Human Tornado via pinfall after the All Out Blitz after countering Human Tornado’s attempt of the DnD (Dat N***a Dead). After the match, as Blitz celebrates the title win, the lights go out in the arena. When they came back on Spider-Man appears and knocks out Blitz with a Van Daminator. Spider-Man then goes to the top rope and then hits the Spidey Splash from the top rope. Spider-Man then grabs the microphone and then goes to a fallen Blitz.

Spider-Man: Blitz, I have to admit, you did find a way to escape with the win in our match at Annualversary. But I’m jut going to give you a little heads-up. As you know, I’m contracted by not only NIWA but in EMW as well. You know that I’ve came so close to winning the World Junior Heavyweight title but once I get another shot at the title, I will win it and maybe…just maybe send the title to…EMW! Think about that!

Spider-Man then leaves the ring as the entire crowd is shocked over the Blockbuster Spider-Man had provided.

In the back, Mr. C.C. is in a state of shock.

Mr. C.C.: What the hell did Spider-Man just say?!

Clardy: Hey, calm down. NIWA may won the first four matches of the night, but you guys might end up being the real losers, if what Spider-Man said is true.

“Hells March” from the Command & Conquer 2 Soundtrack plays as EMW Women’s Champion Gina Carano makes her arrival to the ring to a surprisingly mixed reaction with mostly cheers.

Capetta: And her opponent, she is the EMW Women’s Champion! From Las Vegas, Nevada…she is The Undefeated Female Muscle Of The Franchise…GINA “CONVICTION” CARANO!

Carano then enters the ring and confronts Xena as the two Women’s Champions have an intense staredown in the middle of the ring as the crowd looks on as EMW Referee Jack Simpson calls for the bell to start the match.

EMW Women’s Champion Gina “Conviction” Carano def. EMW World Women’s Champion Xena in a non-title Champion vs. Champion Match via knockout with the Triangle Choke. In the final moments of the match, Xena hits her second Xena Spear of the match but Carano kicked out at two and then locks in the Triangle Choke out of nowhere. Xena tried to get to the ropes but every time she gets near the ropes Gina drags her to the middle of the ring. Xena refused to tap out but then Xena passed out from the pain and referee Jack Simpson called for the bell as he noticed that Xena passed out from the pain.

In the back, Theo Clardy and Mr. C.C. are watching the match on the monitor and Clardy has a big smile on his face.

Clardy: YEAH! Chalk up a win for EMW!

Mr. C.C.: Come on, that’s the one and only win EMW will ever get this evening.

Clardy: Count us out at your own risk, my friend.

On Extreme-Vision, a commercial airs for EMW Extreme Anniversary which will take place Sunday June 21st from the Honda Center in Anaheim, California.

In the ring, Gary Michael Capetta stands in the middle of the ring with microphone in hand.

Capetta: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match at Disturbing The Peace is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EMW Internet Championship!!

The Russian National Anthem hits as Zangief makes his way to the ring to thunderous heat from the sold out Madison Square Garden crowd.

Capetta: Introducing first, the challenger! From Moscow, Russia weighing in at 359 pounds…Ladies and Gentlemen, here is ZANGIEF!

Zangief enters the ring with determination on his face as he awaits his opponent.

“Fatal” by The RZA hits as EMW Internet Champion “The Day Walker” Blade makes his way to the ring alongside Abigail Whistler to thunderous heat from the crowd.

Capetta: And his opponent, he is the EMW Internet Champion! Representing The Day Walker Legion and accompanied to the ring by Abigail Whistler from Detroit, Michigan…This is “THE DAY WALKER” BLADE!

Blade enters the ring and raises the Internet title high as the crowd boos him. Blade hands the EMW World Title belt to EMW Head Referee Nick Patrick and then Patrick shows Zangief the title belt before holding the title belt high for all to see before handing the title belt to the ringside assistant and then calls for the bell to start the match. Zangief and Blade had a staredown and then Zangief poked Blade and then Blade fell down. Zangief then went for the cover and the Nick Patrick counted the pinfall and awarded Zangief the EMW Internet Championship.

“Back In Black” by AC/DC hits as EMW General Manager Ari Gold arrived to the entrance stage with microphone in hand.

Gold: Hold on, just what kind of trick you two try to pull on everyone?! You know, when this match was announced I was expecting that you two were going to pull this stunt so I made this stipulation, if the both of you can’t fight each other or find a way to do so, I would strip Blade of the EMW Internet title and fire him from EMW and as for Zangief, he would be fired from NIWA by orders of Mr. C.C. Now referee, restart the match!

Gold then leaves as Blade and Zangief argued the decision then Nick Patrick called for the bell to restart the match.

EMW Internet Champion “The Day Walker” Blade with Abigail Whistler def. Zangief via pinfall after the second Blade Cutter of the match. In the final moments of the match, Zangeif was setting Blade up for the Russian National Throw on Blade, but then HBK arrived behind Zangeif and was going for Sweet Chin Music but Zangeif turned around and HBK faked him out before leaving and then Zangeif turned around and Blade hits the Day Walker DDT and get the pinfall win. After the match, HBK smiled before leaving to the back.

In the back, Layla Kayleigh interviews the NEW EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions Xtreme Stratusfaction (Trish Stratus & Lita)

Layla: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the NEW EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions Xtreme Stratusfaction, who last Friday won the belts in a Road To Xtreme Anniversary Tour Event in Sydney, Australia in a Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match. First off congratulations on the win but you two have little time to let it all sink in because tonight you defend the EMW Women’s Tag Team titles in a Fatal Four Way match against the team that you took the titles from in Team G4, the NIWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions, who are also defending their titles in this match, The Socialites and The Princesses!

Lita: First off, thanks for the compliment, Layla. We had worked so hard to get these titles and now we are the champions. Secondly, I know that when we won the titles, hanging onto these will not be easy and tonight will be the proof as we face three of the best tag teams in EMW and in NIWA. But at the same time, we have a chance to win some more gold in the NIWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions. Now Trish and I have accomplished a lot in our careers but we never got into a position where we have a chance to leave with double gold. Tonight, we will accomplish that feat.

Trish: Tonight, we are going to prove to the world that we are worthy t hang onto these belts as we win the Fatal Four Way tonight and win the 6 Team Gauntlet at Extreme Anniversary. Xtreme Stratusfaction Guaranteed!

Xtreme Stratusfaction then leave for their match.

In the ring, Gary Michael Capetta stands in the middle of the ring with microphone in hand.

Capetta: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match at Disturbing The Peace is a Fatal Four Way Match for the EMW Women’s Tag Team Championship and the NIWA World Women’s Tag Team Championship scheduled for one fall! Whoever pins a member of The Socialites will become the World Women’s Tag Team Champions and whoever pins a member of Xtreme Stratusfaction will become the EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions!

“The Other Side Of Me” by Hannah Montana hits as the crowd is on their feet for the arrival of The Princesses as they arrived to the ring doing their entrance while slapping some fans hands.

Capetta: Introducing first, team number one! From the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach…Princess Daisy…THE PRINCESSES!!!!

The Princesses arrived to the ring and point to the crowd as they cheer them on as they await the other teams.

“Cherry Pie” by Warrant hits as Team G4 make their way to the ring to some good heat from the crowd.

Capetta: Introducing team number two in this Fatal Four way match, from Los Angeles, California…Morgan Webb…Olivia Munn…TEAM G4!

Team G4 enters the ring and stares at The Princesses in the ring as they await the other teams.

A mashup of “LoveFuryEnergyPassion” by Boy Hits Car and “Time To Rock & Roll by Lil’ Kim hits as the EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions Xtreme Stratusfaction (Trish Stratus & Lita) make their way to the ring to thunderous cheers from the crowd as they slap hands of some of the fans.

Capetta: And now introducing team number three, they are the NEW EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions! From Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Atlanta, Georgia respectively…Trish Stratus…Lita…They are XTREME STRATUSFACTION!

Trish & Lita then enter the ring and holds up the Women’s Tag Team belts as Team G4 looked on in disgust as the final team is about to enter.

“Stars Are Blind” by Paris Hilton hits as the NIWA World Women's Tag Team Champions The Socialites (Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie) make their way to the ring as the crowd booed them loudly as they flaunt the NIWA Women’s Tag Team Championship belts and blows kisses at them.

Capetta: And finally, they are the NIWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions! From Beverly Hills, California…Paris Hilton…Nicole Richie…THE SOCIALITES!

The Socialites then entered the ring and flashed the fans the hands before raising the Women’s Tag Team belts again before handing rhe belts to EMW referee Daniel Robles who also has the EMW Women’s Tag Team title belts. Robles then show Team G4, Xtreme Stratusfaction and The Princesses the NIWA World Women’s Tag Team belts and then shows Team G4, The Princesses and The Socialites the EMW Women’s Tag Team title belts. Robles then holds up all four title belts to the crowd before handing them to the ringside assistant. Robles then called for the bell to start the match.

Team G4 (Morgan Webb & Olivia Munn) def. EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions Xtreme Stratusfaction (Trish Stratus & Lita), NIWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions The Socialites and The Princesses (Princess Peach & Princess Daisy) via pinfall when Olivia Munn pinned Lita after the A.T.O.C. after Lita hits Nicole Richie with the Twist Of Fate to become the NEW EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions. After the match, the crowd applauded all four teams. A Replay of the match shows some great moments of the match like Lita hitting a top rope moonsault on all the participants on the outside, Morgan Webb hitting the X-Play Replay on Princess Peach, The Socialites hitting the So-Cal Crusher on Olivia Munn, Trish Stratus countering The Socialites 2nd attempt of the So-Cal Crusher in the match with a Double DDT and the final moments of the match.

Burgundy: These fans are showing respect to all four teams as they put their bodies through.

Stark: Like them or hate them, this New York City crowd knows great action when they see it and these four teams provide it tonight!

In the back, Theo Clardy and Mr. C.C. are applauding their monitor backstage.

Mr. C.C.: What a match!

Clardy: That’s what I’m talking about. This match is what tonight is all about. Great in ring action to entertain the fans,

Mr. C.C.: Can’t argue with you there, Theo.

In the back Layla Kayleigh interviews EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy.

Layla: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy who will face the NIWA World Heavyweight Champion Chuck Norris later tonight in a Champion vs. Champion tonight. Earlier tonight, you heard from Chuck Norris and says that eventhough he respects you, you’ll be in the wrong place ant the wrong time when facing him tonight. Do you have any intimidation over what Chuck said earlier?

Bundy: Layla, I didn’t get this title by being intimidated. I got this title because I can face the toughest, meanest competitors that come my way and still walk out the EMW World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight will be no different. I’m facing one of the toughest individuals that have ever walked in the ring in the legendary Chuck Norris. I’ve heard many stories about the man and enjoyed his movies but if he thinks that I’m intimidated by him, you got another thing coming because tonight I will beat Chuck Norris and prove that EMW not only has the best superstars but a champion that can survive the fight of his life. Chuck Norris…LET’S ROCK!!

Bundy then leaves to prepare for the match.

C.C: Well we still got four more matches to go and by the end of the night, we will be dominating with 9 wins!

In the ring, Gary Michael Capetta stands in the middle of the ring with microphone in hand.

Capetta: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match at Disturbing The Peace is the first of two Champion vs. Champion matches as the EMW Women’s Champion takes on the NIWA World Women’s Champion!

Xena The Warrior Princess Theme hits as NIWA World Women’s Champion Xena, Warrior Princess makes her way to the ring to a thunderous ovation from the crowd as she slap hands with some of the fans in the crowd.

Capetta: Introducing first, she is the NIWA World Women’s Champion! From, Amphipolis, Greece…She is The Warrior Princess, XENA!

Xena enters the ring and raises the title belt high for the crowd to see as the crowd gives her a great ovation.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer theme hits as Team EMW (Faith Lehane, Blaze Fielding, Christina Aguilera, Emma Frost & Hilary Duff) make their way to the ring for the 10 Woman Tag Team Match.

Capetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, our next match up is EMW vs. NIWA 10 Woman Tag Team Match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, Team EMW! First from now residing in New York, New York…FAITH LEHANE! And her partners, From The Mean Streets, BLAZE FIELDING! Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania…CHRISTINA AGUILERA! From Boston, Massachusetts…The White Queen…EMMA FROST! And from Hollywood, California…HILARY DUFF!

Team EMW entered the ring and did their poses as the crowd gives them a mixed reaction as they await their opponents.

“Going Under” by Evanescence hits as Team NIWA (Gabrielle, Sonya Blade, Sheik, Frost & April O’Neil) make their way to the ring getting the same reaction as Team EMW.

Capetta: And now introducing their opponents, Team NIWA! Introducing first, from Potidaea, Greece…GABRIELLE! Her partners, first from The United States Special Forces…SONYA BLADE! Also, from Hyrule…SHEIK! From Outworld…FROST! And finally, from New York City, New York…APRIL O’NEIL!

Team NIWA enters the ring and stares at Team EMW as EMW referee Phillip Smith calls for the bell to start the match.

Team EMW (Faith Lehane, Blaze Fielding, Christina Aguilera, Emma Frost & Hilary Duff) def. Team NIWA (Gabrielle, Sonya Blade, Sheik, Frost & April O’Neil) via pinfall when Faith Lehane pinned April O’ Neil after the Twist Of Faith.

In the back, a split-screen is shown of EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy and NIWA World Heavyweight Champion Chuck Norris making their way to the ring through separate sections backstage for the Champion vs. Champion Non-Title main event up next.

A music video is shown on Extreme-Vision showing the highlights of Al Bundy’s career in EMW and Chuck Norris’s career in the NIWA with “The New Divide” by Linkin Park playing in the background.

In the ring, Michael Buffer is now in the center of the ring with microphone in hand.

Buffer: LLLLLLLLLLLADIES AND GENTLEMEN…It is now time for the main event at EMW/NIWA Disturbing The Peace Supershow! It is Champion vs. Champion as the EMW World Heavyweight Champion taking on the NIWA World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight, two great warriors put their bodies and careers on the line to prove who is the superior brand, EMW or NIWA?! ARE YOU READY?! (Crowd cheers)…MADISON SQUARE GARDEN ARE YOU RRRRRREADY?! (Crowd cheers louder)…Then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world…Ladies and gentlemen…LLLLLLLLLLET’S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Walker Texas Ranger theme hits as NIWA World Heavyweight Champion Chuck Norris arrives to a roar of cheers from the crowd. Norris raises the NIWA World Heavyweight title high and then did a karate pose before heading to the ring.

Buffer: Coming to the ring right now hails from Ryan, Oklahoma. He is a man who is world renown in martial arts and in action movies. He has won many championships in Karate, Tang Soo So and Judo. He is a brown belt in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and invented Chun Kuk Do as well as started the World Combat League. Ladies and gentlemen, he is the current National Internet Wrestling Alliance HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD…He is CHUUUUUUUUUUUUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!!!

Norris enters the ring and raises the NIWA World Heavyweight title high before he awaits his opponent.

“Bad To The Bone” by George Thorogood hits as EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy makes his way to the ring as he gets the same reaction as Norris. Bundy has a determined look on his face as he slaps some fans hands and has his eyes locked on Chuck Norris.

Buffer: And now introducing the opponent, he hails from the Windy City of Chicago, Illinois. He was a legend in his high school of Polk High exceeding in football and was known to score 4 touchdowns in a single game. Throughout his EMW career, he had made a tremendous impact which culminated in him winning the EMW World Heavyweight title back at MegaBrawl 2 in Tokyo, Japan. Now he has held the title for a record breaking 7 months, facing and beating the best of the best that EMW can offer. He is the current Extreme Madness Wrestling HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD…HE IS ALLLLLLL BUUUUUUUUNDYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

Bundy enters the ring and raises the EMW World Title high and then Chuck Norris did the same as they had a staredown in the middle of the ring before they went to their corners. NIWA Referee “Big” John McCarthy calls for the bell to start the match.

EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy vs. NIWA World Heavyweight Champion Chuck Norris ended in a no contest. In the last moments of the match, Norris went for the second Norris Kick of the night but then Bundy countered and locked in the Bundy Lock in the middle of the ring. Norris tried to counter and get to the ropes but Bundy dragged Norris back to the middle of the ring. Suddenly, Ron Burgundy put down his headset and slides in the ring and punches Al Bundy in the face. Bundy then lets go of the hold and goes after Burgundy as Burgundy tries to beg off Bundy. Then Tony Stark puts down the head set and drags Stark out of the ring and then knocks him down with a stiff clothesline. Stark then started pounding away at Burgundy until Vanna White runs in and jumps on top of Stark and tries to put a sleeper hold on Stark. Then Layla Kayleigh runs in and pulls Vanna off of Stark and a catfight ensues between Layla and Vanna. Suddenly, Terrell Owens ran in the ring and started to attack Chuck Norris and then JTH runs in and then hits Owens with the Wrestlemania Kick. Michael Jordan then runs in and hits JTH with the Buzzer Beater. Blitz then runs in and hits Jordan with the SSS. Then Spider-Man arrives and brawls with Blitz. Suddenly, both rosters ran down to the ring and the whole ringside area is full of wrestlers fighting. Dome of the highlights were Human Tornado hitting Blitz with the DnD through the announce table, Mario hitting Ken Masters with the Super Mario Stunner on the concrete floor and Zangief hitting Eddie Murphy with the Russian National Throw through a table below. In the back, the EMW Vixxxens are brawling with the NIWA Divas in the Women’s locker room. Some of the highlights from the brawl was Xena hitting Gina Carano with the Xena Spear onto the locker room door, Lindsay Lohan hitting Barbie with the LiLoKO and Faith Lehane and Xtreme Stratusfaction, The Princesses, Team G4 and The Socialites brawling in the shower area of the locker room. In Theo Clardy’s office, Theo Clardy and Mr. C.C. are watching all of this on the monitor and then shook hands as the show goes off the air.

Quick Results
The Super Mario Brothers won a four team interpromotional tag team elimination match
The Super Mario Brothers eliminated the EMW World Tag Team Champions Derek Jeter and Floyd "Money" Mayweather via pinfall
The Italian Dragons eliminated the NIWA World Tag Team Champions The Warios via pinfall
The Super Mario Brothers eliminated the Italian Dragons via pinfall
"The Trendkiller" Fozzie Osbourne defeated Jules Winfield via pinfall to retain the NIWA World Brass Knuckles Championship
Team NIWA ("Mr. WrestleMania JTH, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Max Payne, and "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels) defeated Team EMW (Tommy Vercetti, Eddie Murphy, Bud Bundy, 50 Cent, and Tony Montana) via pinfall in a ten men tag team match
Blitz defeated Human Tornado via pinfall to retain the NIWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship
EMW Women's Champion Gina "Conviction" Carano defeated NIWA World Women's Champion Xena Warrior Princess via submssion after Xena passed in a champion versus champion non-title match
"Day Walker" Blade defeated stable mate Zangief via pinfall to retain the EMW Internet Championship after the match was ordered to restart
Team G4 (Morgan Webb and Olivia Munn) pinned Xtreme Stratusfaction (Trish Strauts and Lita) to win the EMW Women's Tag Team Championship, also in the match were NIWA World Women's Champions The Socialites and The Princesses
Team EMW (Faith Lehane, Blaze Fielding, Christina Aguilera, Emma Frost, and Hilary Duff) defeated Team NIWA (Gabrielle, Sonya Blade, Sheik, Frost, and April O'Neil) via pinfall in a team women's tag team match
NIWA World Heavyweight Champion Chuck Norris veruses EMW World Heavyweight Champion Al Bundy in a champion vs. champion non-title match ended in a no contest after outside interference which led to a brawl between both promotions afterwords

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