
EMW ShowTime
Wednesday September 30th, 2009
University Of New Mexico Arena “The Pit”
Albuquerque, New Mexico

From the broadcast booth at ringside, Michael Buffer welcomed everyone to EMW ShowTime.

Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to EMW ShowTime LIVE! from The Pit at the University Of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I’m Michael Buffer and I would be joined by Tony Stark but as you know from last week, Tony Stark is the NEW General Manager of EMW, but we now have a new color commentator to take over for Tony Stark. So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new color commentary for EMW, Fred Durst!

The camera zooms to see Fred Durst alongside with Michael Buffer and then Durst begins to speak.

Durst: Thank you very much, Michael. It is an honor to be apart of EMW and to call some great EMW action!

In the ring, Gary Michael Capetta stands in the middle of the ring and speaks.

Capetta: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the NEW EMW General Manager, TONY STARK!

“Chasing After” by Tantric hits as Tony Stark arrives on the entrance stage with microphone in hand and is ready to address the crowd.

Stark: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first ever episode of EMW ShowTime under the Tony Stark era! Last week, the whole world was surprised that yours truly was named as the New General Manager to EMW. But once you look at things in the big picture, it really isn’t a surprise whatsoever. I have the skills and the ability to be the General Manager of EMW and eventhough I enjoyed being on the broadcast booth alongside my good friend Michael Buffer calling some great EMW action, being the EMW General Manager is a better fit for me because I’m the type of man that makes big decision to make things bigger and better. That is exactly what I’m going to do with EMW. I want to make EMW bigger and better than it has ever been before. That was why I announced a big blockbuster main event for Throwdown Royale as Michael Jordan defends the EMW World Heavyweight title against Al Bundy. But you see that is only the beginning because there will be more where that came from throughout the Tony Stark era in EMW…

Suddenly, “Fatal” by The RZA hits and “The Day Walker” Blade arrived and confronted Stark.

Blade: Tony, I would’ve been the first to congratulate you in being the new General Manager of EMW. But you see, you already made a career defying mistake as you announce the EMW World Heavyweight Championship match at Throwdown Royale and I’m not even apart of it! Don’t you understand that I’m the first ever EMW World Heavyweight Champion, the first ever 4 Time EMW World Heavyweight Champion and you left me out in the cold! I want that title shot so what you are going to do is to make a match between myself and Al Bundy with the winner facing Michael Jordan at Throwdown Royale for the EMW World Heavyweight Championship…YOU MAKE THAT HAPPEN!

Stark then looked at Blade and grinned before replying to Blade.

Stark: Blade…Or should I say, Eric!

Blade looks at Stark in an angry tone and then Stark continues.

Stark: Last time I checked, you are not the General Manager…I’m the General Manager and I say that Michael Jordan vs. Al Bundy for the EMW World Heavyweight Championship at Throwdown Royale will still happen as it was announced whether you like it or not! Now if you want the EMW World Heavyweight Champion, you will get him tonight in the main event but in a non-title match. However, I’m going to do you a favor because if you win your match tonight, you qualify for the Lethal Lottery at Throwdown Royale. But if you lose, you will NEVER get another EMW World Heavyweight title shot for a whole year!

The crowd pops at the announcement as Blade is angry about the news as Tony Stark leaves to the back as we go to commercial.

(Commercial Break)

(Commercial Break)

The Street Fighters (Ken Masters & Ryu Hoshi) with Abigail Whistler def. Code Monkeys (Dave & Jerry) in a Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match via pinfall when Ken Masters pinned Jerry after the 450 Splash from the top rope. Due to the victory, both members of The Street Fighters qualified for The Lethal Lottery.

In the back, Spiderman is making his way to the ring for his Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match against Jimmy King up next.

(Commercial Break)

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Spiderman def. Jimmy King with Nacho Libre in a Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match via pinfall after the Spidey Splash from the top rope.

In the back, Carmen Electra interviews EMW Women’s Champion Faith Lehane.

Carmen: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the EMW Women’s Champion Faith Lehane. Faith, ever since you have won the EMW Women’s Championship at SummerJam 2K9, you have been defending the title against all comers and coming up next we will find out who you will be defending the EMW Women’s Championship against at Throwdown Royale in a Fatal Four Way Match with the participants being Gina Carano, Megan Fox, Lara Croft and Blaze Fielding. I have to ask if you have a favorite in that match.

Faith: Carmen, I welcome any challenger that wants to take away the title that I have fought, bled and paid the price for. First off we have Gina Carano, the woman that not only I took the title from but ended her invincibility in EMW. I would be happy to defeat Gina one more time at Dodger Stadium. Blaze Fielding, I have lots of respect for her and in that Triple Threat match, she proved why she is a former EMW Women’s Champion and one of the day. Now for Lara Croft, I would say the same thing about her but she has changed into a paranoid shell of herself as she proved last week and I would love to slap her back to reality at Throwdown Royale. Now for Megan Fox…It should be interesting.

Faith Lehane then leaves as Carmen Electra looked on kind of confused after the last thing Faith said as we go to commercial.

(Commercial Break)

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Lara Croft def. Blaze Fielding, Megan Fox and Gina Carano in a Fatal Four Way Match via pinfall when Croft pinned Fielding after the Tomb Raider Drop to become the #1 Contender for the EMW Women’s Championship.

In the back, Tommy Vercetti is seen making his way to the ring. Meanwhile, EMW Internet Champion Terrell Owens was seen doing some pushups somewhere backstage before making his way to the ring. Up next, Terrell Owens takes on Tommy Vercetti in which not only the EMW Internet Championship is on the line but a slot in the Lethal Lottery is also on the line as well.

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EMW Internet Champion Terrell Owens def. Tommy Vercetti in a Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match via pinfall after the Buffalo Boot. Due to the win, Terrell Owens not only qualified for the Lethal Lottery but as also retained the EMW Internet Championship.

In the back, Carmen Electra is standing by with EMW World Tag Team Champions Shady Aftermath (Eminem & 50 Cent).

Carmen: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the current EMW World Tag Team Champions Shady Aftermath. Guys, coming up next, the both of you are defending the EMW World Tag Team Championship against Critic & Nerd. Now the both of you are barely two weeks removed from a brutal Ladder Match in which you did win those tag team titles. Do you two have what it takes to defeat a team that has been red hot since they were formed months ago?!

Eminem: Carmen, since me and 50 had reunited; our goal was to become the EMW World Tag Team Champions once again. Now that we are the champions, our goal is to hang onto these belts for a long time. Yeah, we are still a little sore from two weeks ago, but we aren’t going to bitch and moan about it. We welcome any team that wants to take the belts from us and tonight is no different.

50 Cent: Critic & Nerd may have think that they are picking off the carcass after we went through hell back at School Daze but me and Shady are tough and tonight they will pay for their overconfidence and we will still be the EMW World Tag team Champions when the dust is settled!

Shady Aftermath then leave to the ring as the EMW World Tag Team Championship match is up next.

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EMW World Tag Team Champions Shady Aftermath (Eminem & 50 Cent) def. Critic & Nerd (“Angry Video Game Nerd” James Rolfe & “The Nostalgia Critic” Doug Walker) via disqualification when James Rolfe hits Eminem with a steel chair to Eminem’s injured ribs on the outside as both teams were brawling at the outside of the ring. After the match, both men were back in the ring and then Walker hits 50 Cent with the Nostalgia Trip and then Rolfe hits Eminem with the Codebreaker. Afterwards, Critic & Nerd leave to the back as Shady Aftermath was trying to get to their feet.

(Commercial Break)

(Commercial Break)

EMW Women’s Tag Team Champions The Pop Icons (Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera) def. Jessica Alba & Ashley Massaro in a non-title match via pinfall when Britney Spears pinned Ashley Massaro after the Womanizer. During the match, Team G4 (Morgan Webb & Olivia Munn) arrived on the entrance stage scouting the match.

In the back, “The Day Walker” Blade is seen walking through a dark corridor in the arena on his way to the ring alongside Abigail Whistler. Meanwhile, EMW World Heavyweight Champion Michael Jordan is seen walking out of his locker room and is making his way to the ring.

From the broadcast booth at ringside, Michael Buffer & Tony Stark revealed the first NIWA Superstar that will compete in the 2009 Throwdown Royale Match.

After the video, it was announced that a new NIWA Superstar will be confirmed every weekday on the EMW Official Site.

Suddenly, “Bad To The Bone” by George Thorogood hits as Al Bundy arrives down the ramp and is making his way to the broadcast booth. Al Bundy is going to join Michael Buffer and Fred Durst for guest commentary up next.

(Commercial Break)

(Commercial Break)

“The Day Walker” Blade with Abigail Whistler def. EMW World Heavyweight Champion Michael Jordan in a non-title match via pinfall with a schoolboy rollup after Al Bundy and Michael Jordan was arguing after Bundy got Abigail Whistler out of ringside as she was trying to distract the referee as Bundy locked in the Bundy Lock on Blade. Due to the win and the pre-match stipulation, Blade has now qualified for the Throwdown Royale. Blade and Whistler celebrated on the rampway as Bundy and Jordan looked at him and then they had a staredown to end the show for this week.

"Run This Town" by Jay Z feat. Rhianna & Kanye West from Jay Z's latest album "Blueprint 3" in stores now is the Official Theme Song for EMW Throwdown Royale 2K9: The Lethal Lotterty which takes place Sunday October 18th from Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California.
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