EMW ShowTime presents Winter Mayhem
February 21st, 2010
Scottrade Center
St. Louis, Missouri
EMW logo appears
The show begins with EMW Owner & Founder Theo Clardy in his office as he begins to address the people.
Clardy: Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don't know, my name is Theo Clardy, the Owner and Founder of Extreme Madness Wrestling and I would like to welcome everyone of you to the first EMW ShowTime Mega Event in the New Brand Extension, Winter Mayhem. First off, I would like to thank you the EMW fans for taking the time off of your schedule to witness this event. Now I have to tell you that tonight’s card has been changed. Derek Jeter will not be able to compete in the Fatal Four Way Match to determine the #1 Contender for the EMW Cruiserweight Championship due to the fact that Jeter is in Spring Training to prepare for the upcoming season. Also, Booker T has a injured right knee suffered on the latest edition of EMW ShowTime and cannot perform at full strength to face Human Tornado for the EMW World Heavyweight Championship in Tornado’s last night in EMW and I can not afford to give you a half ass performance from a superstar the caliber of Booker T against a great superstar like The Human Tornado. EMW would want to showcase Booker T for the skills that got him to become a 5 Time WCW World Heavyweight Champion and a World Champion in nearly every organization that he has competed in and hopefully when he does return from injury he will showcase his talents to the EMW fans. In the meantime, we are going to shake some things up a bit and change things around so you will enjoy every bit of EMW action that we can present to you. Tonight’s match between Michael Jordan and “The Day Walker” Blade will now be an EMW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match in where the winner will face The Human Tornado at the end of the night for the EMW World Heavyweight Championship. Plus, I have decided to spice the Luis Lopez vs. Niko Bellic match up a bit and now that match will be held under Extreme Rules. Now for the reason I would make these announcements is because that EMW ShowTime General Manager John Bradshaw Layfield had to take care of some personal business in New York City, so for tonight I’m in charge and JBL will be returning this Wednesday on EMW ShowTime. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, I hope you all will enjoy the show as EMW ShowTime will give you…WINTER MAYHEM!
Announcer: And now…EMW ShowTime and Burger King
The pyro shoots up from the entrance
stage and then the cameras pan through the packed Scottrade Center crowd
as they cheer loudly as they hold up their signs before Wade Needham
welcomed everyone to the show.
Wade: Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the first EMW ShowTime Mega Event of the new brand
extension, Winter Mayhem. We are LIVE! From the Scottrade Center in St.
Louis! Wade Needham alongside the controversial Bobby Spade at ringside!
camera then turns to Gary Michael Cappetta who is ready to make the
introductions to tonight’s opening match.
Cappetta: Ladies
and gentlemen, our opening contest at Winter Mayhem is scheduled for
one fall and the winner of the match will face EMW World Heavyweight
Champion Human Tornado later tonight for the title!
Michael Jordan arrives on the entrance stage and waves to
the crowd as they give Michael Jordan a monster ovation of cheers as
Jordan makes his way to the ring.
Cappetta: Introducing
first, from Charlotte, North Carolina weighing in at 221 pounds…MICHAEL
Jordan arrived in the ring and poses for the crowd before
he awaits his opponent.
“The Day Walker” Blade makes his arrival to the entrance stage as he gets a good ovation of boos from the crowd as he makes his way to the ring.
Cappetta: And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 200 pounds…Ladies and gentlemen, this is “THE DAY WALKER” BLADE!
Blade arrives in the ring and then both he and Jordan have an intense staredown before the two men brawled as the referee called for the bell to start the match.
“The Day Walker” Blade def. Michael Jordan via pinfall after the second Day Walker DDT of the night after ducking Jordan’s attempt at the 23 Kick to become the #1 Contender for the EMW World Heavyweight Championship and will face Human Tornado for the title later in the night.
In the back, EMW World Heavyweight Champion Human Tornado arrives to the arena and was approached by many of the EMW Superstars and staff who thanked Tornado and wished him luck tonight.
Footage is shown from two weeks ago on ShowTime where Scrubs defeated The Street Fighters in an EMW World Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Mini-Tournament match and then The Street Fighters attacked Scrubs before they can make their way to the ring for their EMW World Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Tournament Final.
Scrubs (John Dorian, Christopher Turk & Perry Cox) arrived to the entrance stage to a good pop from the crowd before they make their way to the ring.
Cappetta: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Christopher Turk…from Sacred Heart Hospital…JOHN DORIAN…PEERY COX…SCRUBS!
Scrubs arrived to the ring and posed for the crowd as they continue to cheer them as they await their opponents.
The Street Fighters (Ken Masters & Ryu Hoshi) arrived from the entrance ramp and make their way to the ring to a very mixed reaction from the crowd but it was mostly boos.
Cappetta: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 309 pounds…KEN MASTERS…RYU HOSHI…THE STREET FIGHTERS!
The Street Fighters enter the ring and posed for the crowd and then the bell rings to start the match.
Scrubs (John Dorian & Perry Cox) with Christopher Turk def. The Street Fighters (Ken Masters & Ryu Hoshi) via pinfall when John Dorian pinned Ken Masters after the JD Driver (Death Valley Driver). After the match, Ryu Hoshi tried to help Ken Masters to his feet but Ken pushed Ryu off and then leaves the ring as Ryu looked on in shock over what happened.
In the back, Human Tornado is in his locker room ans begins to warm up until he was approached by Terrell Owens.
Owens: Hey Tornado.
Tornado: Hey, T.O.
Owens: Listen, I was shocked like everyone else here that you are retiring. I just can’t see you as a man that retires before he reaches the peak of his career.
Tornado: Me too, man. But it’s just faith that puts me in the situation that I’m in, man.
Owens: Well, I just want to let you know that I want to thank you for being apart of EMW. As an opponent or as a partner, you are one tough son of a bitch. We all are gonna miss you.
Tornado: Thanks a lot, good luck in your match tonight.
Owens: Thanks, man. Good luck in your title match tonight.
Tornado: Thanks.
Both men smiled as they shook hands and then Owens leaves as Tornado continues to warm up.
On ExtremeVision, a video recap is shown highlighting the events leading to tonight’s Extreme Rules Match between Luis Lopez and Niko Bellic.
In the back, Carson Daly is standing by with Niko Bellic.
Daly: Niko, coming up next you face a man that you have you sights set on since the ShowTime Season 4 premiere in EMW newcomer Luis Lopez in an Extreme Rules Match. Has your strategy changed now the fact the match is under Extreme Rules.
Niko: It hasn’t changed one bit, Carson. As a matter of fact, it’s fitting now that this match is under Extreme Rules because now Luis has now excuses when I beat him so bad, that his mother wouldn’t recognize him. It makes me look forward to give Luis a beatdown of a lifetime and if his punk friend Tony Prince gets in my way, he would get the same treatment and I will get rid of those two pieces of trash from EMW…
Suddenly, Luis Lopez ran in and attacked Niko from behind and the two men brawled as EMW referee Rudy Charles called for the bell to start the Extreme Rules Match.
Luis Lopez with Tony Prince def. Niko Bellic in an Extreme Rules Match via pinfall after Lopez superplexed Bellic through a Flaming Table.
On ExtremeVision, a commercial airs promoting the next EMW Mega Event as EMW Starlets presents it’s first ever Mega Event, Starlets Showdown which will take place Sunday March 21st, 2010 from Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York.
Speed Racer arrives on the entrance stage and gets a good pop from the crowd before he runs down the ramp.
Cappetta: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a Triple Threat Match to determine the #1 Contender for the EMW Cruiserweight Championship! Introducing first, from Japan, weighing in at 156 pounds…SPEED RACER!
Speed Racer enters the ring and goes to the second turnbuckle and posed for the crowd before doing a backflip back to the ring. Speed Racer then awaits his opponents.
Adam Sessler makes his arrival to the entrance stage and then taunts the crowd as they boo him loudly. Sessler then makes his way down to the ring.
Cappetta: Introducing the second competitor in this match, from Berkley, California, weighing in at 200 pounds…ADAM SESSLER!
Sessler enters the ring and continues to talk trash to the crowd as they continue to boo him before he awaits the final participant.
Eminem arrives on the entrance stage and poses for the crowd and gets a good ovation from the crowd before he makes his way down to the ring.
Cappetta: And finally, from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 145 pounds…EMINEM!
Eminem arrives in the ring and poses for the crowd and gets more cheers as referee Patrick Hernandez calls for the bell to start the match.
Adam Sessler def. Speed Racer and Eminem in a Triple Threat Match via pinfall when Sessler pinned Speed Racer after the Bad Review to become the #1 Contender for the EMW Cruiserweight Championship.
On ExtremeVision, a video recap is shown of the events leading to the EMW Cruiserweight Championship match between Spiderman and Carlton Banks.
Cappetta: The following contest, scheduled for one fall is for the EMW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!
Carlton Banks makes his arrival to the entrance stage and poses for the crowd as he gets a huge ovation of boos from the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. Banks then arrives to the ring and looks to do the Carlton dance but then decides not to and waives it off as Carlton awaits his opponent.
EMW Cruiserweight Champion Spiderman makes his arrival to the entrance stage with the Cruiserweight title around his waist and then poses for the crowd as he gets a monster pop from the crowd. Spiderman then makes his way down to the ring slapping hands with some of the EMW fans before entering the ring. Spiderman then raises the Cruiserweight title as the crowd continues to cheer him and then hands the title to EMW referee Rick Knox as Gary Michael Cappetta makes the introductions.
Cappetta: Introducing the challenger, from Bel Air, California…weighing in at 125 pounds…CARLTON BANKS!
Banks then posed for the crowd and gets some loud boos.
Cappetta: And his opponent…From New York City, New York weighing in at 167 pounds…He is the EMW Cruiserweight Champion…Ladies and gentlemen, this is THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN!
Spiderman poses for the crowd and gets cheers as Knox shows Banks the Cruiserweight title before raising it up for all to see and then handing the belt to a ringside assistant and then calling for the bell to start the match.
EMW Cruiserweight Champion Spiderman def. Carlton Banks via pinfall after the Spidey Splash from the top rope.
In the back, Carson Daly interviews EMW Word Tag Team Champions B-Generation X (Al Bundy & Bud Bundy).
Daly: I am here with the EMW World Tag Team Champions B-Generation X, Al Bundy and Bud Bundy. Guys, tonight the both of you will face the team that won the mini- tournament to earn a shot at the belts, Critic n’ Nerd. Now we haven’t seen you in action in the past couple of weeks so are you two going to be a bit rusty heading into your title defense?
Al: Not at all Carson, Bud and I had to recover some lingering injuries and the fact that we had to take care of some personal business. But now, we are back, better than ever and ready to defend the EMW World Tag Team titles.
Bud: That’s right, dad! We may have been gone for a bit, but we know what’s been happening the past couple of weeks and Nerd n’ Critic, you think we can take you lightly, then you are sadly mistaken. Tonight, you are not going to take these belts away from us.
BX then leave as Carson looked on.
Cappetta: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EMW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!
*Hello I’m The Nostalgia Critic…I remember it so you don’t have to*
Critic n’ Nerd (“Nostalgia Critic” Doug Walker & “Angry Video Game Nerd” James Rolfe) make their way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd but mostly boos.
Cappetta: Introducing first, the challengers, from Chicago, Illinois and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania respectively…”ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD” JAMES ROLFE…”NOSTALGIA CRITIC” DOUG WALKER…CRITIC N’ NERD!
Critic n’ Nerd enter the ring and then taunted the crowd who still give them a mixed reaction as they await their opponents.
The crowd erupts with cheers as EMW Word Tag Team Champions B-Generation X (Al Bundy & Bud Bundy) make their arrival to the entrance stage and make their way to the ring.
Cappetta: And their opponents, from Chicago, Illinois…They are the EMW World Tag Team Champions…AL BUNDY…BUD BUNDY…B-GENERATION X!
BX entered the ring and then did the X crouch chop as the X pyro shoots up behind them. They then posed for the crowd to get more cheers as BX hand the title belts to EMW referee Anthony Rosas. Rosas shows the belts to Nerd n’ Critic and then raises the title belts up for all to see before handing them to the ringside assistant. The bell then rings to start the match.
Critic n’ Nerd (“Nostalgia Critic” Doug Walker & “Angry Video Game Nerd” James Rolfe) def. EMW Word Tag Team Champions B-Generation X (Al Bundy & Bud Bundy) via pinfall when James Rolfe pinned Bud Bundy after the Codebreaker to become the NEW EMW World Tag Team Champions!
On ExtremeVision, a video recap is shown highlighting the events that lead up to tonight’s EMW Internet Championship match between Tony Montana and Terrell Owens.
Cappetta: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest scheduled for one fall is for the EMW INTERNET CHAMPIONSHIP!
Terrell Owens makes his arrival to the entrance stage and gets a monster pop from the crowd. Owens does his trademark pose as pyro shoots up behind him before making his way to the ring as he’s slapping hands with some of the EMW fans.
Cappetta: Introducing first, the challenger, from Alexander City, Alabama weighing in at 218 pounds…TERRELL OWENS!
Owens arrived to the ring and poses for the crowd as he gets more cheers as he awaits his opponent.
Tony Montana is seen on the entrance stage with the Internet title draped on his right shoulder as he looks around the crowd as they boo him loudly as Montana makes his way to the ring.
Cappetta: And his opponents…from Miami, Florida weighing in at 228 pounds…he is the EMW Internet Champion…TONY MONTANA!
Montana enters the ring and looks around the crowd with a mean scowl on his face as they continue to boo him. Montana then hands the Internet title to EMW referee John “Pee Wee” Moore. Moore then shows the title to Owens before raising the title for all to see and then handing the title to the ringside assistant. Moore then calls for the bell to start the match.
Terrell Owens def. EMW Internet Champion Terrell Owens via pinfall after The T.O. Elbow to become the NEW EMW Internet Champion. After the match, as Owens was celebrating the victory, “MR. WRESTLEMANIA” JTH jumped the barricade and ran in the ring. He then attacked Owens from behind and hits him with the Wrestlemania Kick. JTH then grabs the EMW Internet title and then looks at it before placing the title on a fallen Terrell Owens. JTH then leaves the ring and heads to the back as the crowd boos him loudly.
In the back, EMW World Heavyweight Champion Human Tornado picks up the EMW World Heavyweight Championship and takes one good look at the title before draping it on his right shoulder before leaving his locker room. Meanwhile, “The Day Walker” Blade is seen making his way to the ring.
On ExtremeVision, a commercial airs for EMW Fight For Survival which will take place Sunday April 25th, 2010 from INVESCO Field at Mile High in Denver, Colorado.
“The Day Walker” Blade makes his arrival to the entrance stage as he now gets a mixed reaction from the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. Blade then arrived to the ring and looks around the entire crowd before looking at the entrance ramp with a determined look on his face as he awaits his opponent.
EMW Human Tornado arrives to the entrance stage and raises the EMW World Heavyweight title high as the crowd gives him a thunderous ovation of cheers from the crowd. Tornado then makes his way to the ring slapping hands with some of the EMW fans. Tornado then enters the ring and poses for the crowd as they continue to cheer for Tornado and then throw streamers in the ring in honor of Tornado as Bruce Buffer is standing by to make the introductions.
Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen…THIS IS THE MAAAAAAAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING...Tonight…one man is battling in his last match in EMW while the other hopes to regain his past glory in becoming the champion for the unprecedented 6th time…AAAAAAAAAND NOOOOOOOOOOOW LIVE! From the Sold Out Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri at Winter Mayhem…IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT’S TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! A one fall match for the Extreme Madness Wrestling HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! And when the bell sounds, your referee is Nick Patrick. Introducing first…(points to Blade) He is the challenger. This man weighs in tonight at 200 pounds and he currently resides in Detroit, Michigan. Introducing the first man to be the 5 Time EMW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION…He is “THE DAY WALKER” BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Blade stares at Tornado as he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.
Buffer: And now introducing his opponent…He weighs in tonight at 170 pounds and he hails form Hollywood, Alabama. Making his last appearance in EMW due to his retirement…He is the current, reigning and defending EMW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD… He is THE HUMAN TOOOOOOOOOORNAAAAAAAAAAAADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Tornado gets a thunderous ovation of cheers as Tornado hands the title belt to Patrick. Patrick shows the belt to Blade before he raises the title belt high before handing the belt to the ringside assistant. Patrick then calls for the bell to start the match.
“The Day Walker” Blade def. EMW World Heavyweight Champion Human Tornado via pinfall after the Day Walker DDT after escaping Tornado’s attempt at the DnD to become the NEW EMW World Heavyweight Champion. During the match, the entire EMW ShowTime locker room arrived on the entrance stage to watch the match. After the match, Tornado grabbed the EMW World title and then looks at it and then grabs the microphone and talks to Blade.
Tornado: Blade, I just wanted to say that we had one hell of a match and we basically blew the roof off this place. Win, lose or draw, this was a good way for me to leave EMW as I fought the best this company has to offer. At MegaBrawl 3, I wasn’t facing Blade…I was facing a man that was a shell of himself…Tonight, I battled The Day Walker…I battled the man that bled, sweat and paid the price for EMW…Tonight, I fought the real "Day Walker" Blade. I just wanted to say thank you.
Tornado then presents the title belt to Blade and then Blade takes the title. Then Tornado turns to leave but Blade stopped him. Both men had a staredown and then Blade extends his hand to Tornado and then Tornado thought about it for a bit before he accepts Blade’s handshake. Tornado then raises Blade’s hand as the crowd goes crazy and cheers for both men. Tornado then leaves as he was congratulated by the EMW roster on the entrance stage and then they applaud Blade as he celebrates the win as the show ends.